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Return and Refund Policy

If for any reason within 60 days of delivery, you want to return your CarpalRx Bundle: just call or eMail for a final phone consult with Dr. Z. Since CarpalRx works for 97% of patients, there may be something else going on with your health. Dr. Z will be able to advise you accordingly and help ensure you get the help you need elsewhere.

Than send your package back to us - and we'll give you a 100% refund!

You pay for return shipping. Be sure to include everything you received, and return within 2 weeks of authorization and/or your final consult with Dr. Z.

Note: braces and heat therapy mitts purchased individually (i.e., not part of a Bundle) are not returnable.

Marty's review of CarpalRx at home treatment for carpal tunnel.

click to view a selfie-video made by Marty, (71 seconds)
a patient who returned his CarpalRx.

Although Marty is one of the 3% for whom CarpalRx didn't work - he still loves us!

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