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FAQs about CarpalRx Therapy for Carpal Tunnel

The most commonly asked questions about the CarpalRx and how it treats carpal tunnel syndrome.

Don't see  your question? Just ask!

• Call us at 800-450-6118

• Email us at help@CarpalRx.com

  • ​How long does it take for CarpalRx therapy to work?

    Most patients with mild or moderate carpal tunnel enjoy resolution of symptoms by 30 days. Usually this is permanent. However, in some cases symptoms may reappear in months or years. Then you will need to re-treat once again.

    There are four basic stages of carpal tunnel syndrome: 

    1) Mild stage

    2) Moderate stage

    3) Severe stage

    4) End Stage 

    Which stage carpal tunnel do you have? Take this Free Quiz.

    • Mild stage usually does not require CarpalRx therapy. It can resolve in 2-4 weeks with hand rest, activity avoidance, stretching, and night bracing.
    • Moderate stage requires CarpalRx therapy. It may take 3-4 weeks to resolve, depending on your age and the length of time you've had symptons.
    • Severe stage requires CarpalRx therapy. It may take 60 days to resolve, depending on your age, the length of time you've had symptons, and the type of symptoms.
    • End stage (where surgery usually can't help) may take 180 days to resolve, depending on your age, the length of time you've had symptons, the type of symptoms, and the state of your thumb muscles.

    You're encouraged to contact Nurse Rose with questions and she'll happily schedule a phone appointment with Dr. Z as required. No extra fees ever.

  • ​What happens if CarpalRx therapy doesn’t work for me?

    You have a full 60 days to try the CarpalRx. If you’re not one of the 97% of patients who get  satisfactory relief, then return it for a complete refund of your purchase price.

    A closing phone consult with Dr. Z is required so he can recommend the best care of your hands moving forward. No hassles and no problems. We promise!

  • Are there extra fees to speak directly with Dr. Z or Nurse Rose?

    No, we're here to help you and we speak with patients every day. Just contact Nurse Rose and she'll set it up for you. Same day consults are no problem (as needed). No additional fees EVER.

  • When will symptoms like pain and numbness disappear?

    For moderate-to-severe patients, pain usually disappears within 30 days after therapy begins. Numbness and tingling can take up to 60 days. Return of strength and dexterity may take even longer, sometimes after therapy ends.

  • Why do pain, tingling, and numbness disappear at different times?

    Carpal tunnel symptoms are brought about as a result of damage to the median nerve. The median nerve resembles a rope made of many different strands woven together to make the whole. Think of each symptom (pain - numbness - tingling) as resulting from damage to its respecive nerve fiber or strand. Pain nerve fibers heal faster than those fibers controlling tingling and numbness.

  • Will my symptoms return after treatment?

    Maybe. That’s because no treatment (surgery included) can cure your predisposition to carpal tunnel once you've been affected. 

    This explains why about 50% of surgery patients have 2nd surgeries, and why we have so many post-surgery patients come to us for help.

    Some authorities advocate carpal tunnel be reclassified from a "syndrome" to a "disease." Similar to diabetes, carpal tunnel cannot be cured. However, symptoms can be kept at bay with treatment.

    For instance, for diabetes, the treatment may be insulin. For carpal tunnel, it's mostly myofascial release massage therapy (which is what the CarpalRx delivers).

    After years of patient histories, we’ve learned that symptoms MAY return after months or years, especially if you return to your regular hand activities without taking precautions. 

    We also know that a second, abbreviated, regimen (5-10 days) of CarpalRx therapy will eliminate symptoms if they reappear. Symptoms are not likely to return any longer.  

  • What affects how completely symptoms go away?

    The speed and completeness of symptoms' disappearance depends on the individual.

    Specific factors that  may complicate healing include:

    1) If you’ve had symptoms for more than 2 years,

    2) The severity of your symptoms,

    3) Your age, 

    4) If you continue to use your hands a lot while undergoing therapy, and

    5) If you have other chronic conditions (like diabetes, RA, COPD). 

    Please contact us about your specific details.

  • Will bracing alone cure my carpal tunnel?

    If you have mild carpal tunnel syndrome, then bracing in combination with regular stretches can satisfactorily resolve symptoms....AND keep them at bay!

    No brace (by itself) will heal moderate to severe stage carpal tunnel syndrome.

  • Do I have carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis (or something else)?

    Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome (hand or finger pain, numbness, tingling) can also be due to other conditions; most notably flexor tendonitis and thoracic outlet syndrome.

    You can take self-tests for flexor tendonitis (scroll down to Flexor Percussion Test) here and thoracic outlet syndrome here.

  • Do I need to use CarpalRx therapy forever?

    No. Once your symptoms are eliminated, you can stop using CarpalRx therapy. Symptoms may reappear in months or years, depending on how you use your hands. If that occurs, you will need a re-treatment with the CarpalRx.

  • Will I have carpal tunnel syndrome on one hand only?

    Carpal tunnel syndrome is usually a “bilateral” condition. That means 88% of the time, symptoms also occur on the other hand within 6 months. 

    So pay close attention to your other hand over the coming weeks and months. Be on the lookout for symptoms, and treat them early. 

    If and when symptoms appear, start treating your other hand immediately.

  • Why are there two kinds of Bundles (1 Hand and 2 Hand)?

    A One Hand Bundle is for treating one hand at a time (it treats either hand). A Two Hand Bundle treats both hands simultaneously, which is a huge convenience.

  • Will a One Hand CarpalRx Bundle treat both hands?

    Absolutely! You simply treat one side and then switch to the other side. If you have carpal tunnel syndrome on both hands, the Two Hand Bundle is a convenience so that you can treat both hands simultaneously (instead of one hand, and then the other). Note that only ONE Night Brace is included in the One hand Bundle.

  • Do I need a Heating Mitt?

    You must warm your hand(s) for 15 minutes after each evening CarpalRx massage session. 

    Our Heating Mitts are provided as a convenience, and will warm both sides of your hand(s). 

    But you can roll up an ordinary heating pad into a tube shape (hold the rolled-up shape with tape) and slip your hand inside to achieve the same effect.

  • Are stretching exercises necessary?

    Yes. Daily finger stretches are a critical component of CarpalRx therapy. 

    You can learn how to perform them here, and see a video of Dr. Z demonstrating them here.

  • Do you provide expedited shipping?

    No. We ship via US Postal Service "Priority" within the USA and Canada. Parcels generally arrive in 3 to 5 days.

    Elesewhere in the world, we ship USPS, UPS or FedEx International which takes 5-7 days to deliver.

  • Does insurance pay for my CarpalRx?

    Most health insurance companies reimburse your CarpalRx purchase. The reimbursement amount varies from policy to policy. Call your insurance carrier and provide the information in this link.

  • Do you apply for my health insurance reimbursement?

    No. This is something you must do on your own.

  • Does CarpalRx work for tendonitis (tendinitis) also?

    Yes. The difference is how you apply the massage. For treating tendonitis, you must use your other hand and move the CarpalRx massager up and down your forearm (palm side) for 15 minutes.

  • How hard do I apply the massage pressure?

    The massaging pressure should only feel like a tickle. You should barely feel the massaging heads on your wrist/forearm. Adjust the Easy Sleeve to achieve this.

  • Does the CarpalRx hurt when applied?

    The myofascial release massage performed by the CarpalRx is an aggressive type of therapy. Many patients first trying the CarpalRx feel their symptoms worsen during -- but only during -- the actual massage session. This disappears in 2-4 days. It’s actually a good sign if you feel discomfort in the first couple days. It means your median nerve is still alive and active!

  • How hard do I tighten the Easy Sleeve?

    Tighten the Easy Sleeve just enough to hold the massager unit, and to provide a light, tickling massage.

  • How hard do I tighten the CarpalRx Night Brace?

    Make the Night Brace snug but not tight. It must prevent your wrist from over-bending.

  • Why didn’t my hand specialist tell me about the CarpalRx?

     Many (but not all) hand specialists know about the CarpalRx and recommend trying it before surgery.

  • How long do I have to return the CarpalRx for a refund?

    You have 60 days to return the Carpalrx from date of delivery.

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