From Dr. Z - Carpal tunnel syndrome specialist
Unfortunately, there's no such thing as a carpal tunnel cure. This is a progressive disorder with no known cure. But there are many effective remedies available - both surgical and nonsurgical. They can treat carpal tunnel syndrome so well that symptoms will not bother you anymore. But homeopathy is not one of these remedies.
Today, homeopathy seems to be everywhere. But homeopathic remedies cannot treat carpal tunnel syndrome. At best, they are placebos, so any effect they have is all in your mind.
Carpal tunnel pain, numbness or tingling drives many people to seek just about any remedy that sounds like it might have a chance of working. Most sufferers desperately seek a remedy to avoid having carpal tunnel surgery.
As a result, when it comes to questions about carpal tunnel syndrome, homeopathy is usually one of the first things people ask me about. You may not like what I’m about to say, but it’s scientific fact: homeopathy is a complete scam.
Read on and I’ll explain what you need to know.
Every single homeopathic medicine is either ONLY pure water or ONLY pure sugar. Period. There are no exceptions to the ingredients in all homeopathic products. In other words:
So how can pure water or sugar be a carpal tunnel cure? How can it relieve carpal tunnel symptoms?
It can’t -- and it never did.
Indeed, this is why (on a regular basis) the FDA warns homeopathic firms about their product claims.
Also, thousands of people call themselves “homeopathic doctors”. In truth, they're not doctors and never went to medical school.
Instead “homeopathic doctors” promote homeopathy to treat a variety of diseases simply to scam money from ill-informed customers.
As a matter of fact (scientific fact!) the entire field of homeopathy is quackery. This medical scam dupes millions of people every year, and its advocates should go to prison.
Again, homeopathic "medicines" are not a carpal tunnel cure whatsoever. They're a scam to take your money.
The basic principle of homeopathy is simple – although absurd. First, you start with an herb that's supposed to have some effect on your condition. Then expose the herb to water. Next, dilute that water so many times that there isn’t a single molecule of the herb in the resulting “medicine”. Indeed, the result is pure water.
Actually, advocates say the more dilute, the more powerful the resultant “medicine”. They claim the compound imparts an “energetic memory” to the water. And by some voodoo, the water gets more powerful the purer it is.
It’s the same process for homeopathic (sugar) pills. Advocates claim sugar retains the "energy" of pure water.
Obviously, plain and simple, homeopathy is complete nonsense.
There's no carpal tunnel cure using homeopathy. But useless carpal tunnel homeopathic remedies are everywhere. Again, all of these products are just pure water or pure sugar.
Yet the bottles imply they contain herbs like arnica, calcarea phosphorica, causticum, guaiacum, hypericum, rhus toxicodendron, ruta graveolens or viola odorata.But, in the end, they’re diluted so much that NOT ONE MOLECULE of the original herb remains.
Quackery has no place in modern medicine.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a serious medical condition. Moreover, you cannot treat it with water or sugar. Indeed, a real carpal tunnel remedy requires proven, actual medical therapy in order to eliminate symptoms.
Some people swear by homeopathic carpal tunnel cures. They take homeopathy “medicines” every day in this belief. But what do these fake medicines really do?
Never underestimate the power of the mind.
For instance, stress, anxiety & carpal tunnel are all related. The mind has enormous power over the body. It plays a huge role in the healing process. As as result, it’s why the well-known placebo effect is so potent. The placebo effect is the ONLY reason people believe in homeopathic “medicines” at all.
As of this writing, scientists at the University of Manchester (UK) are using the placebo effect to actually treat pain. The technique is new, but highlights the power of the placebo effect on the body.
Therefore, it’s not the homeopathic “medicine” but the person’s mind that heals. And a patient's desperation for pain relief cements the placebo effect even harder.
If you have carpal tunnel syndrome, be sure to get real therapy for your condition immediately so it doesn’t worsen. And don’t fall for the homeopathy scam!
Every doctor and scientist knows that homeopathy is not a carpal tunnel cure. It's quackery. Its only benefit is a placebo effect in some desperate people. Therefore, carpal tunnel syndrome homeopathy “medicines” are a waste of money. More importantly, they prevent you from getting the real attention you need to get rid of symptoms for good.