From Dr. Z - Carpal tunnel syndrome specialist
People buy carpal tunnel homeopathic remedies every day. But these products are a complete scam on the public. CVS and Walgreen’s are the biggest homeopathic peddlers -- and it’s BIG business for them.
The only problem is that not one single homeopathic remedy works. Not one! And they never did. That's because they're just plain water or sugar pills. Then why are these huge pharmacies still selling quackery and scams? Read more to understand.
CVS has been branding itself as a “wellness” provider. Indeed, in 2014 they famously stopped selling cigarettes. Doing so supported their effort because cigarettes are well-known causes of heart disease. Of course, why would you believe CVS is a wellness provider if they provided cigarettes?
And with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, both pharmacies have stepped up. Each is a local vaccine provider, administering millions of doses.
Walgreen's also tries to position itself as your "hometown" wellness center. (But they still sell cigarettes - probably because cigarettes are hugely profitable.)
But these “wellness” companies also sell quackery and voodoo medicine. Namely, homeopathy products.
Specifically, CVS & Walgreen’s continue to peddle carpal tunnel homeopathic remedies (and other homeopathic “medicines”) in spite of the well-known scam on the public that they represent.
CVS and Walgreen's are not the only culprits. Walmart and Whole Foods Market also participate in this fraud on the American public. Here are links to the homeopathic products sold by each pharmacy:
Homeopathic treatments and remedies cover a wide range of conditions. For instance, they include cough, cold, flu, earache, jet lag, menstrual cramps, carpal tunnel or arthritis. In fact, I get questions about carpal tunnel syndrome and homeopathy all the time.
However, anybody with the slightest understanding knows that all homeopathic products do not work.
In fact, they can’t work.
Every single homeopathic remedy is a bottle of pure water or pure sugar. Nothing else. This includes carpal tunnel homeopathic "medicines".
Indeed, purity is the very definition of a homeopathic “medicine”. Therefore, it must be completely free of the substance it says it contains. As a result, the ONLY ingredient in each and every homeopathic medicine is 100% water or 100% sugar, and nothing else.
Every independent clinical study ever performed – without exception – has proven that homeopathy is totally ineffective. In fact, even homeopathic makers clearly admit that the ONLY ingredient in every homeopathic “medicine” is 100% pure water or pure sugar.
In addition, the manufacturers say the bottle contains incantations, well-wishes, prayers, and healing vibrations.
What? (Yes, you read it correctly.)