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How a Chiropractor for Carpal Tunnel Helps

From Dr. Z - Carpal tunnel syndrome specialist

Using a Chiropractor for Carpal Tunnel Relief

Many patients ask me, "Can I use a chiropractor for carpal tunnel relief?" It's a good question. And the simple answer is Yes!

But that's only if the chiropractor will perform myofascial release massage therapy on  your wrist and forearm on regular basis. This therapy must be applied daily for at least a month. Only then will carpal tunnel symptoms resolve completely and permanently. Read below to find out more.

Your Chiropractor

You’re probably reading this because you have carpal tunnel symptoms. The pain, tingling, numbness, weakness and other abnormal feelings are interfering with your life. 

Maybe you once visited a chiropractor for your aching back or neck. And they probably did a great job relieving the pain. Is it possible they can help with this problem?

They can! But only when the chiropractor uses myofascial release massage on a regular basis for at least a month. Here's why.

painful face

About carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most costly of all job-related injuries. In fact, a typical carpal tunnel patient loses about $32,000 in their lifetime due to the condition. This includes all medical bills and any lost wages due to time away from work. Of course, the employer loses nearly the same amount.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a disorder of the tendons inside your wrist joint. Basically, the tendons form adhesions between each other. As a result, the adhesions bind the tendons so they don't glide smoothly. This cause tendon irritation. 

When tendon irritation occurs, fluid builds up and swells the tendon. As the tendon swells, it pushes on all of the tissues around it. This increases fluid pressure inside the wrist joint. 

Unfortunately, a very sensitive nerve is close by, called the  median nerve.  And as a result of the tendon inflammation and swelling, it gets crushed by the high fluid pressure. That nerve crushing is what causes all the pain, numbness, tingling and other symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. 

In summary, carpal tunnel syndrome is a problem that begins with your tendons. They swell and crush the median nerve deep inside your wrist joint.

man thinking deeply

A chiropractor for carpal tunnel can help!

Chiropractors help heal the body by using manipulation techniques. That’s a hands-on method incorporating massage and tissue alignment. 

According to the American Chiropractic Association, seeing a chiropractor for carpal tunnel will begin with an initial prescription to rest your hand. This includes avoiding strenuous hand activities. It also includes wearing a wrist brace while sleeping.

The next step is when the chiropractor performs manipulation on your wrist and forearm. The specific technique they use is called myofascial release massage. Over time, this technique breaks apart the adhesions causing tendon inflammation. That lets fluid drain out of the wrist joint, and thus promotes healing. 

Therefore, using this therapy, the median nerve is no longer crushed and symptoms melt away. 

With daily treatments, healing takes about 4 weeks complete. As a result, your hand is restored to normal again.

pins & needles

What a chiropractor does

Patients say the myofascial release massage therapy for carpal tunnel is nothing short of magical. Indeed, carpal tunnel symptoms disappear completely and often permanently. However, there’s a catch time & expense.

This means the practical limitations of using a chiropractor for carpal tunnel are purely economic. The reason is because myofascial release therapy must be performed by a trained therapist at least once per day for a month.  

Therefore, to get the help of a chiropractor for carpal tunnel syndrome, you must be able to afford the fees for daily visits for 4 weeks. A typical  treatment schedule for carpal tunnel syndrome at a chiropractor’s office is as follows:


  • Either once a day treatment, performed for 4-6 weeks
  • Or twice a day treatments, performed for 3-4 weeks


Now consider the cost of such daily carpal tunnel treatments with a chiropractor. If one 15 minute session is approximately $35, then: 

  • Once a day treatment for 6 weeks will cost $1,050. 
  • Twice a day treatments for 4 weeks will cost $1,400.
myofascial release massage

CarpalRx replaces a chiropractor for carpal tunnel

Regardless of what you've heard, you don't need surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome. Even the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons recommends trying all non-surgical remedies first. Why? 

that's because non-surgical therapies work for most people. And you don't have to suffer with post-surgical pain, rehab or complications. Nor do you have to spend thousands of dollars on treatment.

But you also don't need to spend thousands of dollars for myofascial release massage!

I designed the CarpalRx to mechanically reproduce the manipulation used by a chiropractor for carpal tunnel therapy. Basically, you take the CarpalRx home and get the identical myofascial release massage therapy a chiropractor gives you. 

But the CarpalRx's cost is far less than visiting a chiropractor's office each day to get rid of symptoms.

Best of all, the CarpalRx will eliminate symptoms at your convenience. It just takes 30 days for pain, numbness, tingling & weakness to be gone forever.

CarpalRx massager


If you plan to see a chiropractor for carpal tunnel syndrome relief, be prepared to spend money. Chiropractors use myofascial release massage therapy to treat this painful condition. So while it's highly effective and successful, it's also costly. 

That's because myofascial release massage therapy must be performed at least once a day for 4 weeks to permanently relieve symptoms.  Visiting a chiropractor’s office for this long can cost thousands. 

In contrast, the CarpalRx was designed to perform the identical myofascial release massage therapy automatically. You take it home and apply the therapy every day, and at your convenience. 

The CarpalRx has a 97% success rate. In fact, that’s the same success rate you get from a chiropractor after 4 weeks of daily treatments.

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