Exercises for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
The correct exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome target the
flexor tendons of your forearm. These are the structures responsible for
causing this disorder to begin with.
But these tendons are quite long, extending from the forearm to the fingertips. Therefore, only the
proper type of exercises can adequately stretch these tendons. Here's how to do them...
The tendon exercises outlined below have multiple benefits. They include:
- They
lubricate tendons in their entirety
- The exercises release
restrictions that limit movement
- Each exercise helps pump excess fluid away from the wrist joint
- They promote circulation which is crucial in the healing process
The exercises below are highly effective against even the most intense
symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Such symptoms include pain, numbness, tingling, soreness, and weakness in the hand and fingers.
Best of all, the exercises only take 1 minute to complete. This should fit into your work schedule instead of interfering with it.
Important Note: The 4 exercises below must be performed in the sequence given. That's so they can sequentially stretch your fingers, hand, forearm, and thumb.
If you have MILD or MODERATE carpal tunnel symptoms
If your symptoms are mild or moderate then these exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome should be performed
each day, every 1-2 hours. They're especially important to do while working with your hands. And they're even more crucial to perform if you use your hands extensively at work.
If you have SEVERE carpal tunnel symptoms
Severe carpal tunnel symptoms interfere with every aspect of your life. The intensity is so great that there's no rest from them. Therefore, severe symptoms require even more intense therapy.
Do these exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome
each day, every hour. And as you work with your hands, doing them more often is even better.
In addition, severe symptoms require the additional help of
night bracing and
myofascial release massage. Work these into your exercise routine.
Who needs exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome?
Who needs these exercises? For carpal tunnel symptoms that have just begun or have been present for many months, these exercises will work for everybody. And you should begin them right away
before symptoms worsen.
But if you don't have symptoms yet, you may be at high risk for getting this disorder. That means
prevention is crucial. So begin your exercise routine
to keep symptoms from ever appearing.
The major risk factors for getting carpal tunnel syndrome include:
1. Fingers exercise
2. Wrist exercise
3. Forearm exercise
4. Thumb exercise