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Quick, Easy & Effective Carpal Tunnel Exercises

From Dr. Z - Carpal tunnel syndrome specialist

Core Carpal Tunnel Exercises

The most effective carpal tunnel exercises target the flexor tendons in 3 key regions: fingers, wrist, and forearm. These are the core exercises which you must perform to eliminate carpal tunnel symptoms

It's important to do all of them, and in the sequence described below. This will ensure that carpal tunnel syndrome will be eliminated and never come back again.

Who needs carpal tunnel exercises?

When learning about carpal tunnel syndrome you soon realize that certain exercises are vital. In fact, the proper ones are a great way to reduce carpal tunnel symptoms like pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness.

Also, if you don’t have carpal tunnel yet, these exercises are a good way to avoid getting it. That’s especially true if you’re at risk for getting this condition. 

For instance, do you work as a secretary, machinist, hairdresser, assembly line worker, dental hygienist or graphic designer? These are just some jobs at high risk for carpal tunnel.

Whatever the situation, the basic core exercises below should be done as often as possible to keep this condition away. They also keep symptoms from getting worse.

bearded man deeply thinking

Core carpal tunnel exercises

Of all the exercise videos and instructions you find, most are time-wasters. If you want to be efficient and only do the exercises that actually count, focus on the core exercises below.

There are 4 core exercises that matter. They target the tendons that run from your fingers & wrist, all the way to your forearm. These are the tendons that cause carpal tunnel syndrome. And core exercises are the key to preventing carpal tunnel from gaining traction.

It's most important to start exercising your of fingers first. In fact, an exercise cannot be successful against carpal tunnel if it does not focus initially on the fingers. Once the fingers are exercised, you then target your wrist and then your forearm. 

So in order to treat carpal tunnel, the rule is to perform the core exercises in this order:




The core exercises will stretch your flexor tendons completely, from fingers to forearm. Stretching your tendons lets them glide smoother and keeps adhesions from forming. Adhesions are the actual cause of carpal tunnel syndrome. So eliminating them is crucial.

Also, stretching increases blood flow and promotes excess fluid drainage from inside the wrist joint. This speeds the healing process. All of these benefits are additive, and vital in keeping carpal tunnel from getting a foothold.

NOTE: It’s important you do ALL of these core carpal tunnel exercises as often as possible during each day. If you have severe symptoms, most hand specialists recommend spending 30-60 seconds doing them for every 30-60 minutes of work you do with your hands. That ensures your occupation will not result in causing carpal tunnel syndrome.

1) First carpal tunnel exercise for your fingers

carpal tunnel stretch

For the very first exercise, stretch out your fingers. These particular carpal tunnel exercises target the tendons from your hand to your fingertips. Start by putting your palms together and then interlocking your fingers. 

Next, rotate your palms outward and away from you, and then push them forward. Now try to straighten out your elbows. Hold this position for 5 seconds and then relax. Repeat these carpal tunnel exercises a second time.

2) Second carpal tunnel exercise for your fingers

carpal tunnel stretch 2

Next, hold your hand and fingers up like you’re making a "stop!" motion, with fingers together. Then with your other hand, grasp the upward pointing fingers and gently pull them backward. Pull them with enough force so you can feel the tendons stretching at the base of your wrist. Hold this position for 5 seconds and then relax. Drop you hands at your side and shake them out vigorously. They should feel warm, meaniing that blood is flowing through. Then repeat these carpal tunnel exercises once more.

Also pay attention to your thumb! Pull it back and out gently at the conclusion of each finger exercise.

3) Carpal tunnel exercises for your wrist

wrist exercise

These core exercises are just what your wrist joint needs. First, hold your arms out straight. Then interlock all fingers in front of you with palms pressed together. With hands locked together, rotate both hands in one direction several times. 

Make sure to push hard enough to put your wrists through a range of motion in each rotation for about 5 seconds. Then, switch directions for another 5 seconds. Repeat these carpal tunnel exercises once again.

4) Carpal tunnel exercises for your forearm

prayer stretch

This core carpal tunnel exercise directly targets your forearm. This is important because these tendons extend into your wrist, hand and fingers. So whatever stresses occur here are transmitted into your fingers.

Start these exercises by putting your palms together with fingers pointing upward, in a "prayer" position. Keep your hands close to your chest with your elbows and arms level. Then raise both elbows slowly. You will feel your forearm tendons pulling near your wrist. Now hold this position for 5 seconds and lower your elbows for about 5 seconds. Once again, lift both elbows and hold the position. Repeat this exercise once again. 


These 4 core carpal tunnel exercises will ensure you don't develop carpal tunnel syndrome. Be certain to perform them every 30-60 minutes as you work with your hands.

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