The Best Carpal Tunnel Relief Exercises Target Flexor Tendons
The best carpal tunnel relief exercises will both
prevent and
carpal tunnel symptoms. These symptoms include:
To be effective, the exercises need to focus on your
flexor tendons. These tendons run from the forearm to the fingertips. Therefore, the best carpal tunnel exercises target the fingers, wrist, and forearm areas.
Read the instructions below. Learn how to perform these simple and effective techniques on a
routine basis. If you do, carpal tunnel syndrome will never be a factor in your life.
Before You Begin
The exercise instructions below are designed for both
prevention and
of carpal tunnel symptoms. Prevention means symptoms have not yet started -- but you may be at risk for carpal tunnel if you engage in harmful hand activities.
(See this list of harmful handful activities.)
If you already have
carpal tunnel symptoms, then these exercises should be part of a therapy regimen that includes;
For both prevention and symptoms relief, the below exercises should be
performed at least 3 times daily. But the more you do them, the better your chances of getting great results.
Carpal Tunnel Relief Exercises for the Wrist
Wrist Exercise #1
Wrist Exercise #2
Wrist Exercise #3
Wrist Exercise #4
Carpal Tunnel Relief Exercises for Fingers & Hand
Fingers & Hand Exercise #1
Fingers & Hand Exercise #2
Fingers & Hand Exercise #3
Fingers & Hand Exercise #4
Carpal Tunnel Relief Exercises for the Forearm
Carpal Tunnel Relief Exercises for Neck & Shoulders
Neck & Shoulder Carpal Tunnel Relief Exercise #1
Neck & Shoulder Carpal Tunnel Relief Exercise #2
Carpal tunnel relief exercises are divided into routines for your 1) wrist, 2) fingers & hand, 3) forearm, and 4) neck & shoulders. If you perform these exercises on a regular basis (2-3 times per day) you can effectively relieve symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Better yet, if you're prone to (or at risk for) getting this disorder, these exercises can prevent it from ever happening in the first place.