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Best Hand Exercises for Artists

From Dr. Z - Carpal tunnel syndrome specialist

Best Hand Exercises for Artists

There are 4 core hand exercises for artists - or anyone else who requires fine dexterity in their work. They're basically exercises to avoid getting carpal tunnel syndrome. But if you already have this painful and numbing hand condition, these exercises can help treat it.

What's so special about carpal tunnel syndrome? If it goes untreated, it can end your artistic abilities. For example, many accomplished artists are already plagued by signs of carpal tunnel syndrome. Some had such severe symptoms that they gave up the arts altogether.

Before doing anything, try modifying your hand movements

Most artists – especially those in the fine arts – know a simple technique to avoid hand problems. They transfer some or all finger movements to their upper arm. (Unfortunately, they usually discover this only after their hands have hurt for a while.)

If you can manage doing that before problems begin, it’s an excellent way to keep the repetitive finger motions to a minimum. Repetitive motions strain your tendons. It's how you get repetitive stress injury or RSI. In fact, RSI is one of the major ways to invite carpal tunnel syndrome. So avoiding repetitive movements of your hand is the best preventative measure.

man painting with a fine brush

To illustrate this for painting, you don’t have to make huge Franz Kline “gestural” strokes. You can un-stress your fingers by just transferring some fine finger movements more toward your shoulder, elbow or wrist. Transferring even a small proportion of your fine finger movements can reduce repetitive stress enormously.

It's understandable if you cannot work that way. That’s why these hand exercises for artists below are so crucial. Essentially, they're carpal tunnel hand stretches for anybody who repetitively strains their fingers and hands.

Hand exercises for artists are vital

An artist needs to work optimally and be their best. So if you cannot comfortably transfer movements away from your fingers, there's a "next best thing". That is, core exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome that focus on tendon therapy .

Tendon therapy is simply several structured exercises for your fingers and hands. When performed as prescribed, you will avoid getting carpal tunnel syndrome.

The best thing about this tendon therapy is that it’s fast and easy to perform. All of the exercises take literally one minute to complete.

woman with pained face

What tendon therapy achieves

The 4 core hand exercises (for artists and anybody who does fine work) below provide effective tendon therapy that's also quick to complete. Each exercise applies tendon therapy slightly differently. But together, these exercises:


  1. Release tendon adhesions which restrict movement
  2. Promote tendon lubrication for better gliding
  3. Encourage blood circulation in the hands
  4. Facilitate fluid drainage from joints

1. Release tendon adhesions

The underlying problem in carpal tunnel syndrome (and tendonitis) is formation of adhesions between tendons and their sheaths (or coverings). The adhesions restrict movement and cause pain. This results in inflammation (swelling) which is the root cause of carpal tunnel syndrome. Reducing inflammation is the primary reason hand exercises for artists (and everybody else who strains their hands) is so effective against carpal tunnel syndrome.

2. Promote tendon lubrication

When tendons glide inside their sheaths, good lubrication insures there’s no binding between the tendon and its sheath. That prevents additional adhesions from forming.

3. Encourage blood circulation

A key ingredient to the good health of all body tissues is sufficient blood flow through that tissue. Tendons especially require good blood circulation to supply nutrients and remove broken or worn-out collagen components (as a result of repetitive strain) from the hand and wrist area.

4. Facilitate fluid drainage

Tendon swelling is the result of excess fluid. When swelling occurs inside the wrist joint, it pushes against the median nerve and produces all the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Draining the fluid eases the pressure on the nerve. This is one of teh benefits of the hand exercise below.

Your 2 minute time investment

For every hour you work, take a 2 minute break for tendon therapy. Each of the core exercises take 20-30 seconds to do. These “mini- breaks” will avoid hand pain and prevent carpal tunnel syndrome from happening.

1. Thumb stretch

thumb stretch exercise

The thumb is the most affected finger in carpal tunnel syndrome. Therefore, pay special attention to it so symptoms don't appear there.

Grab your thumb and gently bend it backward. Then twirl it around like a helicopter blace, slowly but firmly. Twirl several times, and then switch direction.

2. "Stop" stretch

stop stretch for carpal tunnel

This hand exercise for artists helps lubricate tendons in your wrist and hand. It's a crucial component to maintain healthy wrist tendons. 

Point fingers up and stretch your arm straight out in front of you. It should look like you’re “Stop!” Use your other hand and pull all of your upturned fingers gently backward. Maintain for count of 5, switch hands, and repeat one more time.

3. "Prayer" stretch

prayer stretch for carpal tunnel syndrome

This hand exercise promotes circulation and lubrication from the elbows to the wrists. 

Put both hands together, fingers pointing up, as if praying. Keep both hands close to your chest with both palms pressed together. Now slowly raise both elbows (keeping both hands at the same level). Hold for a count of 5. 

Important: Next drop both hands. Shake them out vigorously for a count of 5. A warm feeling indicates blood is flowing into your hand and fingers. Repeat this exercise once again.

4. Finger interlace stretch

finger interlace stretch

It's interesting that this stretch is the one that most people do without any training. It's almost a "natural stretch" we do when we have tired hands.

Interlace you fingers. Then rotate your wrists so you palms face forward. Straighten out your elbows. Hold the straightened out position for a count of 5, then relax. Repeat once.

OPTIONAL: individual wrist massage

self-massage for carpal tunnel.

Use this technique only if you already have hand pain.

You can drain excess fluid from your wrist joint by yourself with this short routine. It’s an abbreviated version of myofascial release massage used to relieve severe carpal tunnel syndfome. 

First, press your thumb into the opposite wrist joint, palm side, just below your wrist crease. You can feel the rope-like tendons below. Using circular motions, rub over each tendon deeply for a count of 20. Then do the same on the other wrist. 


Together, these 4 core hand exercises for artists are actually a program for “tendon therapy”. They are both quick and effective. Together, the exercises break up adhesions, lubricate tendons, promote circulation, and facilitate fluid drainage from the wrist joint. If you’re concerned about hand pain or carpal tunnel syndrome, incorporate these stretching exercises into your daily routine. Doing so will insure you never suffer from hand problems.

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