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Hand Stretching for Gamers to Prevent Injuries

From Dr. Z - Carpal tunnel syndrome specialist

Hand Stretching for Gamers to Prevent Injuries

These science-based hand stretches for gamers are key to preventing repetitive stress injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome. In fact, they can eliminate carpal tunnel symptoms of AND prevent it from ever occurring.

Perform each of these hand stretching exercises with a mild intensity level. That means, when doing them, stretch to the point where you feel mild discomfort, but not more. Of course, if you feel unusual pain with the stretch, discontinue and speak with your doctor.

Most doctors and therapists recommend doing these exercises every 1-2 hours to prevent injury.

Wrist, hand, and finger stretches for gamers

1. Palm & Hand Stretch

person with their palm against a wall

1. Start with your left hand. Put the palm against the wall and then spread all fingers widely. 

2. Now extend (straighten) the elbow while pressing into the wall. 

3. Next, take a few breaths. Then bend your head sideways, trying to touch your right ear to your right shoulder. 

4. As you do, bring your left shoulder inward slowly, as if facing the wall. Hold this position for 30 seconds. 

5. Repeat for the left hand, and then repeat the cycle again.

2. Prayer Stretch

woman doing a prayer stretch
  1. Push both palms together, keeping fingers together and pointing up, in a “prayer position”. Keep both hands close to your chest and in front of you. 
  2. Next, relax your shoulders and slowly raise both elbows. Hold this position for 30 seconds. 
  3. Then drop your hands at your side and shake them out vigorously for a few seconds. If they warm up, it's becasue blood is flowing through them. 
  4. Repeat this exercise again.

3. Stop Stretch

palm and fingers stretching exercise
  1. Hold one hand up as if you’re saying, “STOP!” 
  2. With the opposite hand, reach up and grab your fingers. 
  3. Then pull them backwards. 
  4. Maintain this position for 10 seconds. 
  5. Drop both hands at your sides and shake them out vigorously for a few seconds.
  6. Repeat the exercise one more time.

4. Reverse Stop Stretch

reverse stop stretch
  1. Extend your left hand, fingers pointing downward. 
  2. With your right hand, cup the back side of your left hand.
  3. Next, gently pull back on your left hand. 
  4. Hold this position for 5 seconds. You will feel stretching on top of your left hand. 
  5. Repeat this exercise again for the other hand. 

5. Finger Stretch

index finger stretch
  1. Stretch each individual finger. 
  2. First, grab your straightened index finger.
  3. Next, gently pull back on it and hold this position for 5 seconds. You will feel the base of the finger stretch. 
  4. Repeat this exercise again for each finger. (The thumb is exercised separately, as shown next.)

6. Thumb Flexor Stretch

thumb stretching exercise
  1. All hand stretching exercises for gamers should employ separate thumb stretches. That's because the thumb is the finger most affected by carpal tunnel, so stretching it is important.
  2. Grab your thumb and gently pull it bckward. Hold it for 10 seconds.
  3. Then rotate your thumb like a helicopter blade. 
  4. Rotate several times, and then change direction. 

7. Thumb Extensor Stretch

Finkelstein test
  1. Start  by bending your thumb into the palm of your hand. Grip it tightly with your other fingers.
  2. Now bend your wrist towards the pinky side of your hand. You will feel stretching on the thumb side of your wrist and forearm.
  3. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Then switch hands.

Note, if you feel pain doing this, you likely have de Quervain's tenosynovitis.

8. Finger Interlace Stretch

interlaced finger stretching exercise
  1. Interlace your fingers. 
  2. Then rotate both palms so they’re facing away from you. 
  3. Next, push out and straighten out your arms while all fingers remain interlaced.
  4. Hold this position for 10 seconds. 
  5. Then drop both hands to your sides and shake them out vigorously. 
  6. Repeat the exercise once again.

9. Helicopter Stretch

man twirling his hands over his head
  1. With both hands held high, make lose fists. 
  2. Next, make slow circular motions with each fist, rotating around your wrist joint. (Pretend each thumb tip is making circles on the sky.) 
  3. Try to make those circles as big as you can, for about 10 seconds. 
  4. Switch directions for another 10 seconds.
  5. Drop your hands to your sides and shake them out. 


Hand stretching for gamers is the BEST idea that FEW people actually do. It's a superior preventative measure to avert hand injury. And not only can it keep you from getting carpal tunnel syndrome, it can reverse symptoms if you already have it. So don't hesitate! Once the pain, numbness or tingling starts, it’s much harder to treat. These stretching exercises are the key to having healthy hands.

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