From Dr. Z - Carpal tunnel syndrome specialist
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says there are certain jobs causing carpal tunnel syndrome more frequently than other jobs. For example, production-type jobs that include an assembly line or repeated movement can cause a worker to sustain an injury like carpal tunnel. Holding equipment or devices in the hand for an extended period of time can also lead to the pain and misery of this disorder.
Common examples are the office worker who types on a computer for over eight hours a day (and uses a mouse) and develops carpal tunnel in one or both hands. Tailors who sew and cooks or bakers who stir usually exert great amounts of stress on their hands, and can suffer the same way. A hair stylist who holds scissors and a comb for hours a day can also suffer the pain or numbness of this condition.
The CDC also announced that
carpal tunnel syndrome is now
the most common hand disorder in the USA. And the alarming thing about carpal tunnel is that it’s still on the rise.
The primary carpal tunnel symptoms include hand or finger pain, numbness, tingling, burning, shooting electric shocks, and weakness. Symptoms in the thumb are usually more pronounced. However, the little finger is not affected. Stressed tendons are the cause carpal tunnel syndrome.
That's why doctors characterize carpal tunnel as a type of repetitive strain injury or RSI. In fact, repetitive hand activity is the common thread among jobs causing carpal tunnel syndrome. Certain harmful hand activities like repetitive, rapid, and forceful motions (like constant grip-and-release) seem to be the key to causing this condition.
The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports additional surprising data:
The Occupational Health and Safety Administration(OSHA) says the problem of carpal tunnel syndrome is on a steep rise. Certain occupations have a higher risk of causing hand pain and are more prone to have employees lose job time. OSHA lists these jobs (with the hand tasks that cause the problem) below.
According to OSHA, the most common jobs causing carpal tunnel syndrome are telephone operators, cafeteria attendants (including food and coffee shop counter), and electrical or electronics assemblers. Also the association between hair stylists & carpal tunnel is practically a bad joke within the hair styling industry.
The other jobs listed below (including the harmful tasks these professionals are require to perform) have similar characteristics. All of these workers engage in rapid, forceful and repetitive hand or finger activities.
Treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome depends on its severity. (You can determine its severity with this Quiz.) In mild cases, nocturnal wrist bracing and over-the-counter pain relievers may be all you need. However, if you are experiencing severe symptoms, you may need more aggressive nonsurgical therapy. If that doesn't work, surgery to decompress your median nerve may be necessary.
The CDC and OSHA publish the most common jobs causing carpal tunnel syndrome. Chief among them are cooks, tailors, assembly line workers, office workers, and hair stylists. You can avoid getting this painful condition by taking preventive measures. And if symptoms do occur, try treating them using nonsurgical remedies before considering surgery.