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How it's Changed Lives: Story of the CarpalRx

From Dr. Z - Carpal tunnel syndrome specialist

How I invented the CarpalRx

The story of the CarpalRx is basically a tale of love and necessity. In fact, I first designed and built it for my wife who suffered terribly with carpal tunnel syndrome pain.

I'm Dr. Zannakis (Dr. Z) and I invented the CarpalRx over 17 years ago. Today, it's helped thousands of patients permanently eliminate carpal tunnel syndrome. But most people don't realize it was born of a very personal need.

My wife was the inspiration

My wife began suffering with this painful condition almost instantly. One night she awoke from a dead sleep, literally crying from the pain in her hand. After I assessed her symptoms it seemed she was suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. But I had never seen such rapid onset before. 

I also knew that performing myofascial release massage on her wrist would help. So I sat beside her on the bed and performed this technique for about 20 minutes. As I did, the pain subsided and she went back to sleep.

I though her pain must have been an anomaly due to its rapid onset. And maybe she'd never see that pain again.

But sure enough, the next night the occurrence repeated itself. I thought, "Can this really be carpal tunnel syndrome?"

Once again, I performed the myofascial release massage and then the pain subsided. I decided to wait one more night to conclude whether she had carpal tunnel syndrome or something else.

But like clockwork, the next night her pain returned again. I thought, "OK, she's got carpal tunnel. So now I'll just have to massage her wrist and forearm every night for however long it takes."

But while doing the massage, I was fixated on my fingers' actions as they were pushing and twisting over her wrist. This kneading effect is what's required for effective myofascial release massage.

The thought jelled in my mind; “I can build a machine that does what my fingers are doing!”

The next day I sketched out the mechanical design in my mind's eye. Then with the help of my technicians, we spent the day in my laboratory building the device. My staff called the prototype a “contraption”. Actually, it was scary-looking because you placed your arm on top of motors, gears, wheels, and wires.

But when I turned it on, the device's actions and movements were exactly what I wanted.

dr. Z

Testing the CarpalRx on my wife

I took the prototype home and had it ready for the evening. Sure enough, my wife woke up again crying in pain. But then I sprung into action with the device.

It flawlessly performed myofascial release massage on her wrist. All I really did was sit by and monitor that it worked well. And as her pain dwindled after about 15 minutes, she finally went to sleep.

We repeated this again the next night and got the same results. But the following morning I recommended she use the device before going to sleep. Maybe it would keep pain from starting?

Indeed, that's exactly what happened.

For the first time in many days, my wife got a complete night's rest. She reported that her hand felt totally normal the next morning.

She continued using the device for a little over a week. From that point on, she never again woke up during the night with hand pain. Not ever!

In the following months, I made better and better prototypes. Then I informally asked 6 volunteers who had carpal tunnel syndrome to try them. 

The volunteers reported the same results my wife had. Not a single one of them had symptoms after 4 weeks of use.

It took a year and the help of other engineers to finalized the basic CarpalRx design. Now it was ready to help anybody with symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Testing the CarpalRx in clinical trials

It's one thing to test a prototype therapy device on friends, family, and personal contacts. It's quite another to perform FDA quality clinical trials. But that's exactly what my colleagues and I did.

First clinical trial

In the first clinical trial, we recruited 36 patients who used the CarpalRx every day. We followed their progress weekly for 12 weeks. Each patient was clinically diagnosed with a minimum of "moderate" stage carpal tunnel syndrome. Most were in the "severe" stage. Data was retrospectively compared to 430 control patients who only used wrist splinting and did not receive massage.

The results were impressive. Most patients saw 97.5% resolution of symptoms by 90 days. This was in contrast to control patients who took 2 years to achieve only 49% resolution.

In other words, the CarpalRx was far more successful in eliminating symptoms. And it so much faster than conventional therapy.

Second clinical trial

The second clinical trial directly compared 56 patients using the CarpalRx to patients who used only night bracing as treatment. Compared to controls, CarpalRx patients experienced a 94-97% decrease in symptoms.

These results were nearly identical to those obtained in the first study. They verified that CarpalRx was almost twice as effective in treating symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Third clinical trial

The third clinical trial of the CarpalRx examined patients who had either carpal tunnel syndrome or flexor tendonitis (where symptoms are similar). CarpalRx treatment patients were compared to retrospective controls who received only conventional (rest and nocturnal bracing) therapy for their condition.

The results showed that patients with tendonitis achieved 94% symptoms resolution with the CarpalRx when compared to controls. Likewise, compared to controls, carpal tunnel syndrome patients achieved 96% resolution of symptoms using the CarpalRx.   

Taken together, these three studies verify that CarpalRx therapy is more effective than any other conventional therapy in relieving symptoms.

Now combine these studies with the thousands of other satisfied CarpalRx patients - for over 15 years. The results are conclusive that CarpalRx is superior in every way to other conventional treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome. 

myofascial release massage

Why the Carpal Rx works

The key to the CarpalRx’s success is that it produces myofascial release massage. It’s identical to what a trained therapist performs on you your wrist and forearm. But the CarpalRx does it automatically.

Therapists have known for years that myofascial release massage is the best way to treat carpal tunnel syndrome. It does so easily, safely, and very effectively. It's also the best treatment for pregnant women who have carpal tunnel syndrome.

Myofascial release means that the tissues are pulled and pushed in a "kneading" fashion. This action breaks up microscopic adhesions that cause restrictions and inflammation on tendons. And it’s inflammation that produces swelling and fluid buildup in your wrist. That fluid buildup is the main cause of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Myofascial release loosens the adhesions and restrictions. It also drains any excess fluid from the wrist joint. When this therapy is applied every day for several weeks, carpal tunnel symptoms disappear permanently.

Myofascial release massage is exactly what the CarpalRx does – but it does it automatically. Basically, it mimics a therapist actions on your wrist.

My wife's legacy

I could never have foreseen how my wife's hand pain would help thousands of sufferers around the world. If we fast forward to today (numerous medical publications and thousands of patients later) I'm very satisfied my original idea was on target.

Thanks to my wife’s hurting hand, the CarpalRx massager has helped patients everywhere. Best of all, the CarpalRx enables thousands of people avoid undergoing carpal tunnel release surgery.

Surveys show 4 out of 5 Pain Management doctors recommend CarpalRx therapy first, before even considering surgery. It’s one of the most powerful tools we have to fight carpal tunnel syndrome.

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