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CarpalRx Massager for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

From Dr. Z - Carpal tunnel syndrome specialist

CarpalRx Massager for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Dr. Z

I'm Dr. Z, and over 20 years ago I invented the only effective non-surgical device for treating carpal tunnel syndrome. It's actually a massager for carpal tunnel syndrome called the CarpalRx. And today it's become the best first-line defense against this painful and numbing disorder.

You might be thinking, "He's just saying that because he invented it." And you're right to be skeptical. Today we're swimming in false claims and misleading statements. But I can prove it.

These are the scientific facts: after multiple clinical studies and over 18 years of experience with the CarpalRx in thousands of patients around the world, we know the CarpalRx has a 97% effectiveness rate.

That means it relieves most or all carpal tunnel symptoms in 97% by 30 days. This is clinical fact.  See for yourself: the results are published in multiple medical journals, including the British Journal of Pain. 

No other carpal tunnel relief product can make this claim and back it up with scientific data.

carpal tunnel space

The underlying cause of carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome causes symptoms like pain, numbness, tinging, burning, weakness, and shooting electric shocks in your hand. Symptoms can be mild or debilitating, depending on which carpal tunnel stage you're in.

Nobody is really sure why some people get carpal tunnel syndrome and others do not. But scientists believe that over-working your fingers and hand produces stresses on your tendons. For instance, tendon stress can result from too much typing or even gripping an object for long periods of time. These and other harmful hand activities can stress your tendons, making them stiffer. 

During the stiffening process, collagen adhesions form around the tendons. This further stiffens and restricts them from gliding smoothly. Ultimately, the adhesions produce inflammation and swelling around the tendons.

As more stress occurs, more adhesions build up. And this produces even more swelling. The result is an increasing amount of fluid accumulation. The excess fluid engorges the tendons and they enlarge.

hand using a garden scissor

These enlarged tendons squeeze and crush all of the the nearby tissues around them - including the very sensitive median nerve. A crushed median nerve is what gives you all the pain, numbness, and tingling of carpal tunnel syndrome. Therefore,  to permanently relieve carpal tunnel syndrome, you must:


  1. Reduce the pressure on the nerve.
  2. Eliminate the reason adhesions form in the first place.
fibrous adhesions on tendons

Myofascial release massage destroys adhesions

For years, therapists had been using myofascial release massage to successfully treat their patients' carpal tunnel syndrome. Myofascial release massage is a special type of manipulation where the therapist "kneads" the tissues over the skin. 

This massage for carpal tunnel syndrome is effective because of the way massaging fingers move over the wrist joint. A therapist starts by pushing their thumbs into your wrist and forearm. Then their thumbs rotate in opposing directions. This rotation is reversed and repeated, over and over again, producing the required "kneading" motion.

The kneading transmits to the underlying tendons. They push and pull in every direction, breaking apart of tendon adhesions. Consequently, the tendons can glide freely again. This release of restrictions is what makes myofascial massage such a powerful therapy.

myofascial release massage on the wrist and forearm

Myofascial release massage restores function

Myofascial release massage for carpal tunnel reverses the negative effects of tendon swelling in 3 key ways:


  1. This type of massage for carpal tunnel breaks up the collagen adhesions on tendons. That means it loosens the restrictions on the tendons and lets them glide more smoothly, without being irritated.

  2. Excess fluid accumulation (edema) causes increased pressure. This massage facilitates drainage of that excess fluid. As a result, fluid pressure drops dramatically and the median nerve is no longer crushed.

  3. Finally, myofascial release massage for carpal tunnel increases blood flow. Good circulation promotes healing and restores the damaged tissues, letting them function normally again.

Designing the best massager for carpal tunnel

From the outset, my goal was to design a device to permanently eliminate carpal tunnel syndrome in my wife. She developed this disorder quickly, and suffered crushing pain and other common symptoms. 

My 2 areas of expertise are physiology and biomedical engineering. And that experience helped enormously to figure out the answer to her problem.

I understood that myofascial release massage could break up adhesions, reduce inflammation, and drain excess fluid and swelling. I performed this powerful therapy on my wife's wrist and forearm, and I appreciated how effectively it helped her. So I was also confident I could build a machine that did the same thing automatically.

Dr. Z & the CarpalRx

The result is the CarpalRx massager for carpal tunnel

I built and calibrated the CarpalRx massager for carpal tunnel syndrome. It performs all of the motions of a human therapist’s fingers. The CarpalRx does so with unique "orbiting" heads. Actually, it’s so unique that I patented the process (Patent Number US20120253244).

Moreover, the CarpalRx's orbiting heads don’t just spin like a wheel. They move in a way more complicated than Shiatsu massage movements.  Each orbiting head actually rotates and twirls simultaneously; like how the earth spins and also orbits around the sun. 

Furthermore, each massaging head rides up and down over your skin, deeply kneading the tissues below. This process is crucial in breaking up collagen restrictions and adhesions causing the underlying problem.

CarpalRx massager for carpal tunnel

The resulting device was the CarpalRx massager for carpal tunnel syndrome. And the very first prototype relieved my wife's symptoms like a magic spell.

Since then, and after thousands of patients worldwide, the CarpalRx has evolved into a more compact and powerful device. But it's still an electro-mechanical device that produces myofascial release massage - without the need of a human therapist. In fact, careful analysis shows that it exactly reproduces a therapist fingers on your wrist in order to treat this disorder.

Because the twisting and kneading motion performed by a therapist is duplicated, the result from the CarpalRx is the same. That is, it loosens stiff tissues and drains excess fluid inside the wrist joint. On average, carpal tunnel symptoms disappear completely within 30 days.

The CarpalRx duplicates the massage automatically, so you don't need to see a therapist for the same treatment.

cartoon of Dr. Z and his wife

How to treat carpal tunnel with the CarpalRx

The CarpalRx massager for carpal tunnel syndrome works only if properly applied. That means two 15 minute treatment sessions each day. A 15 minute treatment in the morning loosens the tendons. Also, fluid drains out almost immediately. But fluid re-accumulates during the day with hand and finger activity.

This is why you need another 15 minute treatment in the evening, just before going to sleep. The evening treatment drains away fluid that accumulated during the day.

By doing this for 30 days, your tendons are no longer swollen. They heal quickly and their integrity is restored to their natural suppleness. That means they can glide smoothly without irritation. They also can drain fluid on their own, which keeps adhesions from re-forming. And without tendon swelling, the median nerve in your wrist joint is no longer compressed. That means no more pain, numbness, tingling, burning, or shooting electric shocks.

In most patients symptoms completely disappear by 30 days. This is why the CarpalRx myofascial massager for carpal tunnel is such a potent therapy tool. And you don't have to pay a therapist for a month of treatments!

vibration massage gun

Beware of vibration massagers for carpal tunnel

All too often patients say they purchased a vibration or percussion massager for carpal tunnel. Unfortunately, after using it, their symptoms worsened. Here's why...

If you have carpal tunnel syndrome, ANY type of vibration will make matters worse. In fact, a related problem is called Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (or HAVS). It's also commonly referred to as vibration white-finger. It typically happens to people who use vibrating hand tools on the job. Carpenters and landscapers are infamous for having this disorder.

HAVS means your fingertips blanch and turn white. It's due to blood flow being restricted as a result of nerve damage (from the vibration). Symptoms of vibration syndrome are similar to those of carpal tunnel syndrome. They include finger or hand pain, numbness, and tingling. 

vibration synsrome

While vibration syndrome and carpal tunnel syndrome have similar symptoms, there's one big difference. That is, carpal tunnel is generally reversible. But vibration syndrome is permanent. That's because of the extensive nerve damage causing the skin blanching and other symptoms.

It's therefore obvious that vibration of any kind will harm nerves and make carpal tunnel even worse. And it's the reason why patients who use a vibration or percussion massager for carpal tunnel have worsening symptoms.

Bottom line: using a vibration massager for carpal tunnel syndrome is a HUGE mistake. In contrast, the CarpalRx produces a slow, kneading motion - which is perfect for breaking apart collagen restrictions to reduce inflammation.


The best massager for carpal tunnel syndrome is the CarpalRx. Multiple studies published in leading medical journals confirm it's nearly 97% effective in relieving symptoms. The secret to it's success is that it attacks and eliminates the root cause of carpal tunnel: tendon inflammation.
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